Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tagaytay City, Cavite

Tagaytay City is a good side trip when you stay in Metro Manila. It's a great easy escape from the metropolitan and messiness of life. It's just 1 hour away from the metro and you could enjoy.

A view of Taal lake from the top

A good spot to see the view down below
The entrance fee to People's park in the Sky is worth P30.

Jesus statue in the park
I feel like saying my little prayer when I saw this. Just a little prayer of my dreams, hopes and wishes. 

the view of Tagaytay City from up above

It's easy to go around Tagaytay City and the people are warm and welcoming to tourists. The fresh air and cool climate at the top are all worth the travel and money.

How I get there from Tagaytay Rotonda:

*Ride the jeepney at Olivarez Plaza

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